

La Solution adaptée à vos besoins

In the context of customer management, the company Dédicace Software, owner of the WeDoBack brand, collects your personal data (e.g. surname, first name, address, telephone number, etc.).

It is processed by Mr DESEE Simon, 4 route de la côte à Bournet 16440 MOUTHIERS SUR BOEME.
Mail : [email protected]

The person in charge of data protection is: Mme DESEE Catherine, 4 route de la côte à Bournet 16440 MOUTHIERS SUR BOEME.
Mail: [email protected].

Article 1:

Personal data will only be processed or used to the extent necessary to :

1) The performance of your commercial contract, and the proper operation of the service itself, including for example (non-exhaustive list) :

  • Orders, invoices, accounting and in particular accounts receivable management,
  • Customer relations, claims management and support services
  • Use of your bank details for direct debits,
  • Use of your postal address to send you mail,
  • Use of your business telephone number and e-mail address
  • Connection and location data for the proper operation and security of our customer portal

2) Meet legal and/or regulatory requirements

Article 2:

Your personal information will be kept for as long as is necessary for the performance of your contract, the fulfilment of the company’s legal and regulatory obligations and the exercise of the prerogatives granted to it by law and jurisprudence.

Data will be kept for the duration of the commercial relationship, then for a maximum of 6 months from the end of the contractual relationship.
Unless otherwise authorized by the customer or specifically required by law or regulation.
(For example: 10 years for banking data).

For the use of our online communication service: Your data is kept until the user deletes his/her account, or for a maximum of 6 months from the end of the commercial relationship.
No data will be collected via cookies, unless the customer agrees to the use of the site (choice of language, etc.).

For as long as your personal data is held, we take all necessary steps to ensure its confidentiality and security, so as to prevent damage, deletion or access by unauthorized third parties.

Article 3:

Access to personal data is strictly limited to company employees authorized to process such data by virtue of their position.

The information collected may be communicated to third parties such as public authorities, our partners and third-party service providers.
It should be noted that, in the course of providing their services, third parties have only limited access to the data and are obliged to use it in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data.
As far as our sales agents are concerned, these service providers do not store any data outside our protected servers.

As part of its processing operations, the data controller undertakes not to transfer your personal data outside the European Union.
Except in the following cases, where data may be transferred to the United States:

  • For customers using office 365 provided by Dédicace Software ;
  • At the request of certain publishers who supply customers with named licenses;
  • For certain SSL certificates, to define the customer’s contact person for the certification authority.

Article 4:

In accordance with the applicable legal and regulatory provisions, you have the right to access, rectify, port and delete your data, or to limit the processing of your data.
You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning you.

You may, subject to the production of valid proof of identity, exercise your rights within the legal limits by contacting our data protection officer: Mrs DESEE Catherine, whose contact details are given above.

If you have any difficulty in managing your personal data, you can contact the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des libertés (more information at

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