

La Solution adaptée à vos besoins

In the course of operating the WeDoBack website, we may collect personal information and data about you.
The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you about how we collect and process such information and data, and about your rights in this regard.

We are committed to processing this information and data in a way that respects your privacy and complies with current legislation in France and Europe. In addition, we use appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your information, in particular against unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage, or access by unauthorized persons.

Who is responsible for your information?

The person responsible for processing your personal data is Dédicace Software, SAS with capital of 10,000 euros, registered with the Angoulême Trade and Companies Registry under number 531466167, legally represented by its Chairman, Mr Simon DESEE.

What type of information is collected?

We collect the information relating to your identity (title, surname, first name, address, etc.) that you agree to communicate to us when you complete a form on the site, when you create your account, when you place an order or when you contact us directly.
Mandatory information is indicated by an asterisk.
We also collect information relating to transactions (transaction number, order details), commercial relations (orders, invoices, correspondence) and payments.
We also use activity monitoring devices and technologies to automatically collect information about your connection and navigation on the site. This may include your IP address, your geographical location, the type of browser you use, the time spent on each page, the links you click and other similar data. This information is anonymized and helps us to improve and personalize your browsing experience, secure the site and resolve technical problems.

Why do you collect this data?

We store and use your information only as required by law and for the purposes indicated at the time of collection.

User account management: the legal basis is the execution of a contract or pre-contractual measures. Information is kept until the account is deleted or after 2 years of inactivity.

Management of orders and customer relations: the legal basis is the execution of a contract or pre-contractual measures. Information is kept for the time required to manage the commercial relationship.

Bookkeeping: the legal basis is compliance with our legal, accounting and tax obligations. Information is kept for 10 years.

Site security and fraud prevention: the legal basis is our legitimate interest. Information is kept for a maximum of 13 months.

Traffic measurement and analysis: the legal basis is our legitimate interest or consent. Information is kept for a maximum of 13 months.

Site improvement and optimization: the legal basis is our legitimate interest. Information is kept for a maximum of 13 months.

Commercial prospecting and customer loyalty actions: the legal basis is consent. Information is kept for a maximum of 3 years from the last order or contact initiated by the customer or prospect.

Transmission to commercial partners: the legal basis is consent. Information is kept for a maximum of 3 years from the last order or contact initiated by the customer or prospect.

To whom is your information transmitted?

Your information is used by our internal departments. All access to your personal data is subject to a confidentiality agreement.

It may also be transmitted to our subcontractors responsible for providing the technical services required to operate the site: IT service providers (hosting, maintenance, etc.), payment service providers, technical and logistics service providers, statistical and communication consulting agencies.

Your data is also transmitted to subsidiaries and members of the Dédicace Software group, on the basis of your consent, to enable you to discover other services that the group can offer you, by carrying out commercial prospecting and advertising targeting operations.

List of group members :

  • IT Helper’s
  • Klytic

The transmission of your information is always carried out on the basis of a contract which mentions the regulations and obligations applicable to the protection of personal data.

Your data may be transferred to countries outside the European Union, but only for Group companies. In such cases, we guarantee that the protection afforded to such data is substantially equivalent to that guaranteed in the European Union, either by virtue of an adequacy decision issued by the European Commission, or by the implementation of all appropriate measures, in particular by recourse to the European Commission’s standard contractual clauses. You can request further information on these appropriate guarantees from the contact details given below.

Data analysis

Visit statistics are managed by Dédicace Software’s group servers, based in Europe.

About cookies

When you visit our website, cookies may be stored on your computer, cell phone or tablet. Cookies enable us to offer you a better browsing experience and to improve your experience on the site.

You can restrict the use of cookies in your browser settings or by using private browsing, or delete cookies deposited by websites on your device.

For more information on cookies and how they work, please visit

What are your rights?

You can access your personal data, rectify it, request its deletion or exercise your right to limit the processing of your data.

You may also object to the processing of your information, for reasons relating to your particular situation, except in the case of commercial prospecting, to which you may object without having to provide any justification.

You may withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of consent prior to withdrawal.

You have the right to port your data.

You may issue instructions concerning the retention, deletion or communication of your personal data after your death.

To exercise your rights or if you have any questions about the processing of your information, please contact our Data Protection Officer:

Dedication Software SAS

For the Data Protection Officer
4 route de la côte à Bournet

Finally, you can file a complaint with the CNIL, via its website ( or by post (CNIL – Service des Plaintes – 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07).

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